Thursday, June 7, 2012


I went in for my second blood test today.  I was trying to be optimistic but was scared that i would get bad news.  Today a little after 12 o'clock I got the call - so happy I didn't have to wait until almost 4 like Tuesday.  Shelley, my favorite nurse at ARMS, said, "I get to tell you the exciting news!"  and went on to tell me that my hCG was at 111 which is GREAT!!!  I am so happy I am over the moon.  I still have to get the butt shots until at least my first ultrasound but that's fine, bring it on, I could get 10 shots a day and still be happy and excited about this baby and I only have to do one.  In addition I get to start taking Estrace by mouth, until now I have had to take it vaginally and its not something I look forward to, there is no applicator so you have to use your finger.  You know there is a reason I never used the O.B. tampons - I want an applicator.  But that is over and I get to take them by mouth now.  I also asked about exercising and they said walking and light weights is fine, they just want to make sure I don't get overheated, bounce around or over exert.  I think I will start out by walking at the gym again and them move on to my weight lifting with lighter weights.  Thanks everyone for keeping your fingers crossed for me.  I am so excited and will continue to keep you up to date.


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