I am sitting inside as we get our third dust storm for the week (second just today). They are already sending out warnings about driving. One dusto storm ruined our dinner yesterday because Handsome couldn't grill - I mean who wants sand enshrouded corn and gritty chicken? Despite the yucky sand storms that turn our house and all our plants orange, I am feeling fairly positive. Minutes after I got done with my last post I went to the bathroom and my cycle had started! For those of you who have been following along that means I am one step closer to our next fertility cycle and another chance at a baby. After I - ahem- took care of things I leapt onto the couch hugging my husband and exclaiming "My period started! My period started!". He looked at me like I was crazy until I reminded him that getting my cycle is step one to FET (frozen embryo transfer), then he hugged me.
I left a message on ARMS Nurse line Monday morning and that afternon Shelley called me to set up an appointment for me to come in Thursday for a blood draw. She also told me how sorry she was that the pregnancy hadn't taken and how hopeful she had been when she called with the news of my second hCG test. I told her I also needed to get my thyroid checked next week but would be out of town so she said they could do it early. After getting off the phone she called me back a few minutes later and said to get this show on the road I should come in Tuesday because I need two negative pregnancy tests 4 weeks apart before they move on to FET and rather than make me wait until Thursday they would get me in Tuesday. The results from the beta test (blood draw pregnancy test) was negative. In a weird way that's a YAY because sure I woudl have loved to have been pregnant but obviously I am not and a negative test lets me move on to the next stage - waiting for 4 WEEKS!! I also got back my thyroid test, my TSH was 2.57 which is right on the border of normal and high so Dr. Moffitt wants me to come in for a retest on Friday.
Handsome and I have been really busy this week because not only are we doing all of our normal stuff but we have to get the house and ourselves ready for our big trip. Saturday we are starting our road trip to Shreveport, Louisianna for the annual 4th of July get-together my cousin has every year. We aren't always able to go but we try our best. It will be great to see everyone and I am looking forward to it! I want to eat at Herby K's and sit out by the pool. This time we get to stay for an entire week. I will try to post between now and then but I doubt I will be posting while I am there. Hope everybody has a GREAT 4th! ttyl
"Rain Rain Go Away" - as reimagined by me
"Sand, sand, go away,
Come again another day"
- actually Sand, if you could just stay away and send Rain that would be great!
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