So I had a bit of a hiccup yesterday in my gets stuff done challenge. I did get stuff done, I just didn't blog about it yesterday and post pictures. Yesterday I made an appointment with ARMS to get my second blood draw done so I can get my second negative pregnancy result and set going on our next cycle. I also met with the plumber and our pipes are no longer knocking when we use the shower or flush the toilet YAY.
I went out to happy hour with Handsome and his work crew and had a good time. We went to Turf which is a nice Irish pub downtown. The food and drinks are good and I love the atmosphere and decor. Unfortunately it was hot in the pub and we kept asking them to turn the air conditioning colder but it never got past slightly warm. Just when you thought you could feel air moving and had hope it would cool down, it would stop.
This morning when I got up I got my task done right away. The top drawer of my desk is where I keep mailing stuff and other essentials. Unfortunately like many drawers it had started to become a catch-all. This morning I took the time to clean it out and turn this:
Into this:
On the desk you will find old film we never got developed and used ink cartridges. While we were out today I added those tasks to our day and got the film dropped off for developing, the cartridges were recycled at Best Buy, and we dropped by Home Depot to recycle batteries where we got some good video and pictures of a giant dust storm moving that we put on FB.
We also went to the Arizona Leather store to look at new couches that wouldn't pick up dog hair. While we were there my right hand started itching REALLY bad! I don't know if it was something on one of the couches or something unrelated. I washed my hands at the store and that seemed to help some with the itching but when I later showed Handsome my hand it was VERY swollen compared to the left. It is slowly getting better but I have no idea what happened! Any ideas?
I wore this cute little dress today that I got at Charming Charlie and Handsome seemed to really like it. He couldn't keep his hands off me, he was fun and really made me feel special and pretty. He said it showed me off and he couldn't wait to get me home for some fun time.
I don't know what my task for tomorrow will be but I do have 3 more drawers on the desk I could go through :D I am going to try and keep on going with my task challenge but I am sure that once we get cleared for the next cycle things are going to start to fly and I may not have time. I will however endeavor to continue to update you on my treatments once things start going again. In the mean time doesn't this look delish?! Handsome made it for me, it is rhubarb dry soda (no alcohol) with raspberries for garnish. I love how sophisticated it looks and how he thought of a cute garnish to use rather than olives.
Have a great weekend everyone! ttyl
Old Mother Goose
"Old Mother Goose,
When she wanted to wander,
Would ride through the
On a very fine gander.
Old Father Gander
When the wind was fast and loose
Would ride through
the air
On a very fine goose."
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