This will be short, I keep trying to find time to blog but Handsome keeps interrupting. I typically blog while he is at the gym but have had things to catch up on or he is changing his gym days and it has thrown everything into a tizzy. He is home now so I can't blog long, see I like to spend time with him when he is here. We both work so finding quality time throughout the week can sometimes be difficult. And right now with the days so short (it gets dark here at 6pm) it seems like there is no time at all!
So I will blog longer about our recent trip to Colorado and my wonderful Mom and Daughter's day that I had with my Mom for her birthday. But I thought I would drop a note about our IVF going forward.
As I mentioned in my last post we are going forward with a new cycle of IVF. We are going to do the IVF plus option which includes the egg retrieval, egg fertilization, and then two frozen transfers. I am hoping that we don't end up needing that second transfer. FTC includes as part of their protocol ICSI, intracytoplasmic sperm injection and assisted hatching. The total price will be $15,500 - gulp. Luckily I have some stock through my last employer that I was able to sell for this AND FTC was willing to take late payment so I could sell right after an earnings announcement when the price would go higher.
I have had my baseline ultrasound which was fast and easy although I did feel some mental discomfort as I was on my cycle and that can be embarrassing. FTC has a ultrasound specialist rather than random doctors or nurses doing the ultrasounds and it is the same specialist throughout which I like - better consistency. She said that from an ultrasound prospective I was good to go. I got a call later from Maggie my IVF coordinator and Dr. Behera says everything looks good to go forward with the current meds. I've been getting the Lupron shots (in the stomach) for over a week now and even had my Mom give me some when I was visiting her. Yesterday I started my Follistim shots as well which are given again in the stomach but with a pen like device. Later this week I will be getting Menopur shots as well, for a total of three - yes three - shots in my stomach each morning. Tomorrow I have another ultrasound and dosages may be changed going forward. ttyl
"This old man
He played 3
He played knick knack on my knee
with a knick knack patty wack give a dog a bone
this old man came rolling home!"
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