Sunday, May 20, 2012

New Clothes

Yesterday we had a doctor's appointment where they measured 18 follicles on the right and 16 on the left.  I don't know how Dr. Moffitt keeps them straight and I think that sometimes he might miss one or count one twice which is why the number seems to change.  The appointment was uncomfortable because I think with all the follicles causing my ovaries to be oversize there just isn't as much room and I can really feel it when he is moving the probe around.  Luckily Handsome was there to hold my hand and I could squeeze when it got uncomfortable.  I was kept on the same meds as before 75u Follistim, 1 vial Menopur, and 1 syringe of Ganirelix.  I also had another appointment set for today, Sunday.

Afterwards we went for breakfast at the Morning Glory Cafe at the Farm at South Mountain where Handsome had the Cowboy breakfast (eggs and chili) and I had poached eggs over ham and braised greens (basically the eggs Benedict with no muffin and hollandaise sauce on the side).  Then we saw the Avengers movie.  I LOVED it it was full of action but lots of humor as well!  Later we came home and napped before going out for Arizona Restaurant Week at the House at Secret Garden which we will going to again next weekend.  The food was delicious.  After getting back home relatively early at 9:30 we decided to watch a movie.  We watch Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol so that I could see my new boyfriend Jeremy Renner who I had just met at the Avengers movie.
I call actors that I think are hot and wouldn't mind meeting "my boyfriend"; Handsome teases me that I have too many boyfriends and he needs to find some more girlfriends (currently his only one is Jennifer Aniston).

Today I went back to ARMS without my husband because he was going out shooting.  I also planned to go to Kohl's and Target to find some tops.  This appointment was the most painful yet as he was moving the probe around and one of my ovaries decided to try and run for it up into my abdomen so Dr. Moffitt had to push it down (by pushing down on my stomach and applying pressure as he moved his hand down my abdomen.  Then I had to apply pressure there to keep the ovary in place.  I don't remember how many follicles there were because I was trying to breathe deep and move past the pain.  Dr. Moffitt said we would probably trigger tonight and got me the Lupron shots to do so (we'll figure out payment tomorrow).  The Lupron has to be refrigerated so I had to head home before going out to the store. 

Here's what i got at Kohl's, it was all Apt. 9 except the white shorts which were Daisy Fuentes.  I also got some socks and picked up a black shirt at Target.  I got a call from Dr. Moffitt right before 1pm to tell me that I would be taking the Lupron trigger shot at 9pm tonight and no other shots.  I will bring the second Lupron shot with me to a pre-op appointment tomorrow which I should be getting a call about later.  The Lupron shot comes in what I think is a creepy red bag.
I took another nap this afternoon since I was sleepy (i don't know if it is the meds, the early morning appointments, or what but I have been really sleepy lately.  I still haven't set my sewing machine up, I have to sell the old TV, take down the shelf and put together the new table for my sewing machine.  Maybe I can work on that this week.

"Many, many years ago lived an emperor, who thought so much of new clothes that he spent all his money in order to obtain them; his only ambition was to be always well dressed. He did not care for his soldiers, and the theatre did not amuse him; the only thing, in fact, he thought anything of was to drive out and show a new suit of clothes. He had a coat for every hour of the day; and as one would say of a king "He is in his cabinet," so one could say of him, "The emperor is in his dressing-room."
Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian) (2009-10-04). Fairy Tales of Hans Christian Andersen (Kindle Locations 2018-2022). Public Domain Books. Kindle Edition.

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