Monday, May 21, 2012

Favourable Odds

This is just a quick update.  Took the Lupron shot last night at 9pm and not as bad as I had pictured.  I thought it was going to be intramuscular but it was subcutaneous like all the others.  The needle was very sharp so it went in fine.  It was 4mg so it was a pretty big shot but handsome delivered it nice and slow so it didn't hurt.  I am taking the other syringe to ARMS with me at my 9:30am pre-op appointment today for them to give me.  I will also have more blood drawn but no more ultrasounds today - yay!  It looks like tomorrow will be the retrieval day keep my in your thoughts and keep your fingers crossed for me.  I will update this post this evening along with a better title and quote.  ttyl

I went to my appointment this morning and got my second Lupron shot.  I wanted to talk a little bit more about the Lupron shot - it didn't hurt but it did make me nauseous and dizzy both times.  In addition when Handsome took the cap of the syringe there was no needle.  I started to panic but he calmly said to look in the bag.  I looked in the bag and there was a syringe needle that screwed onto the syringe.  With the cap it looked really long and I was a little nervous but once the cap came off it was the same size as all the other needles.  I also had to take an OPK (ovulation predictor kit) so they could make sure that it was positive - I hadn't thought to bring one but luckily they had some.  It was positive so everything was going according to plan.

My retrieval will take place tomorrow.  I can't drink anything or eat anything after midnight tonight (although I am allowed to brush my teeth tomorrow but I can't swallow anything).  I will arrive at ARMS at 7am tomorrow in comfortable clothes (I am thinking yoga pants and a shirt).  There are lots of rules about what I am allowed to wear (no hairspray or aerosol deodorant but stick deodorant is okay) and I won't list them all here unless someone comments that they really want to know ;)  I am supposed to bring socks so I think I will bring some big poofy warm ones.  I will be sedated and have local anesthetic while they insert a special needle through my vagina to collect the eggs from the follicles.  I will be on bed rest the rest of the day.  Once I get home, once I am able to tolerate food I am supposed to take 2 Zithromax (antibiotics), 2more at dinner and 2 before the embryo transfer and 2 after to protect from infection.  I will start a steroid Methylprednisone at bedtime tomorrow and will continue to take 2 until the embryo transfer.  I will also be on Estrace vaginally and Intramuscular Progesterone in my hip for two weeks.  For transfer day I will take one tablet of Prometrium and a Valium 30 minutes prior to the procedure.

Last ultrasound I had a good number of follicles and Handsome has high counts as well so the odds should be good for many fertilized eggs and a good number of blastocysts.  I will keep you updated on the numbers as I know more in the coming days.

"May the odds be ever in OUR favor"

P.S. I know its not a nursery rhyme or quote but you have to admit it is cool.  If you haven't seen the Hunger Games go!

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